If not having made a lot of money up to now in IM is a criteria for typefying a person.....then I fall into the category of a newbie. On the other hand if being on the e-mail list of practically every big I Marketer and taking the trouble to read up every new product that has come out in the last year is a criteria then I qualify as a person eminently suited to pass a comment or two. My reasons for doing so are altruistic....merely to correct the few anomalies I view as absolutely not acceptable from a customer's point of view.
(1)  The internet market needs to shake itself out of its collective stupor and the few bad apples that are spoiling the name of the market pie. Raise the standards of the business and have in place a couple of rules and guidelines(governed by a statutory body)  for internet marketing so that inferior products do not reach the market. People will be more careful then.
(2)  Every offer (whether for a website package or software or list building tools or an e-book ) is identically worded. Painful to read and watch after you have seen 2 offers and the excuse given is ...why re-invent the wheel...copy what is working. The only reason this is carrying on - the customer is not protesting loud and clear ...hey man why do you insult our intelligence or is it that as they are targeting the out of work bunch .... they feel they need not go that extra mile. Either which way that excuse does not hold any water in my dictionary ------do unto others what you would have them do to you !
(3)  Every new product reviles the so-called gurus...its a virtual slander these guys study the Law of Attraction and its philosophy...when you talk ill of another are basically talking ill of yourself. Not a recipe for success as far as I can see. Please also read my article on the definition of the word "guru" -  its sad to see the word being abused and misused.
(3)  No product is properly described in the sales pitch - what form of marketing methodology are they focusing on .....for 1 thing is apparently clear to matter which methodology you are using - you will first need to understand how it works by trial and error and keep refining it till you crack it and it begins to start working for you.
A word of advise to IMs - please don't promise instant wealth to anybody...there is a learning curve to everything....instead advise your customers to hang in there with patience till they "understand" just what they are doing. This was the only reason I bought the product "Instant Cash Empire" by Mike Harvey, for in his sales pitch he clearly stated that patience and persistence were required to make it work well. Your customers...the ones who do not succeed at first will then know just what to expect and not get discouraged or heartbroken. They will appreciate that "you have to keep on keeping on till the day breaks".....for that's how it really is.
Your FEAR.....that if customers (realise that it is not easy it will not sell).... are not likely to think well of you if you hide that fact from them and you will remain a 1 product wonder. But if you intend to carry on growing in this industry that approach needs must change. Be ready to fizzle out before you see much success...for all success is directly linked to  VALUE (follow-up support, how accessible are you to your customer for any little problem they may face using the product, etc, etc) that you provide. Being accessible by e-mail gives a customer confidence in the product.
(4)  There are a few IMs who do follow up with their database of customers but what would be really nice is within the first month you follow-up and ask the customer if he had a particular glitch that maybe you could help clear up. It would send your sales soaring upwards exponentially. It may simply be in the form of a questionnaire that they may fill out. Its a morale booster to a struggling customer to just know that you care.It also places the product and creator a notch above the rest. It buys you branding.

My desire to start internet marketing was for a purely altruistic be able to donate large sums for charity. I wanted to focus on clean water and the education of the girl child...both of which are required in my country- India. I never did put this down on paper before, thinking to myself ...let me start doing it before talking about it and then just today while reading the review site of a product I came across a  comment of another person saddened by the fact that he too had wanted to start IM to help the poor with food and shelter but had not yet seen any success. He was so excited by the fact that with a lot of money how many people's lives he could change as it costs so little to help a single individual.
I am now putting this down on paper to mainfest my good thoughts, this article are my good words that will bring about the  good actions. As I have stated before if you have a good thought send it out into the world to gather momentum and watch it do its magic. Mankind unaware of his capacity to create into form is timid in his desires...lest he sound greedy....but God thinks differently... do check it out for yourself............

Roda Langrana, Author, MasterMind