


Dedicated to our differences and similarities .. seen the world over ... 
saw them through the eyes of  indulgence ... of lives trying to make 
a go at happiness despite constraints of geographic and monetory 
boundaries . This poem is written with an open mind for others  ..
for nothing else will be tolerated. The germ for this poem began in Bangkok
when I saw americans of all ages there partnering up with the locals ... 
a coming together for a common purpose. Asians make good wives and that 
is .. I guess the requirement of the day. 

Hi .. pretty Polly, you is Molly , 
You is Solly or ..... Holly ?
Oh pretty polly ... are you dolly ?
Or .... just Olly .. Olly!!

Hi Olly .. Olly
Is your name .. Mr. Solly ..
Or are you old Mr. Gollie
It no matter .. never matters
For love makes the world go around.

I am prudish .. just not judgemental
I am kind to others not my kind
And yet I know .. I know me well
I am never ever ... unkind.

There's a Solly for every Molly
And a Holly for old Mr. Gollie
As for Olly .. there's pretty Polly.
Sawasadee ... sawasadee .. ha.

Pretty Polly .. oh pretty polly 
la la la la .. la la la la   la la la la la.
pretty is polly .. all green and red
la la la.

The world is full of thousands and thousands of people who consider themselves smart ...... smart enough to see "true wisdom" when it  is placed in front of them. This one is a burning question with most people and a very very common one at that -  


Well some years ago I did discover that sooner or later .... we will all traverse this same path but with variances that will take into consideration all our individual probables.  I am not shocked that this must be a burning question for others too ... and that there is no getting away from it ever.

When life is "fine" / "good" .. you are just getting by ... a mediocre life at best. It is the time for you to hear the message that asks you .. are you happy? Can status quo be happy I ask you ... its boring at best. A desire to climb mountains in your mind .. wow that's a thought worth considering! 

If accepting the wrongs of god's world as beginning in god and carried forward through ungiving spirit of the past is a truth you can stomach .... then the rose tinted glasses flew of my nose so fast.  There are 2 ways to see truths .... the good ones worth bragging about ... but let me ask you what about the ones that are not ... there are truths so unpleasant .. believe me you don't want to hear them ... and most teachers have hidden behind the facade of goodness ... a dumb charade if you please .... for when I did dig deep with mind into spirit ... I found it  ..... ungiving .... of any goodness to me ... so I had to change my paradigms ... the limiting thoughts of others brought to me by spirit ... so I began the arduous journey of pitting my strength against it ... beating the shit out of it ... now tell me how did that make me feel. Here was me .. all goodness and truth for all ... but getting beaten nevertheless .... and by that I mean my huge success being kept away from me .. and I have mentally burned .. tortured and thought the worst .. for they wouldn't budge from their negativity. Now it was super easy for me ... to simply throw them out of mind and my life .. no spirit .. no negativity ... no sub-conscious no forced negativity ... no universal soul ... no carrying the baggage of others when I want to be the good creator for my life as a god. So I changed my paradigm ... I pushed myself many levels higher into a better plane for my life ... walked myself out of any desire to help others and leave you to walk your own journey through my writing and my book MasterMind.  It damn well took me 4 1/2 years to rid myself of all extraneous factors ... no matter that in my mind I knew all the right answers ... for the devil is a cursed being and it forced me to whip him out of my mind ... the duality of god. There's a lesson in there somewhere .. but I'm done with the explanations and leave you to walk your own journey with MasterMind. My journey is as a guide .. completely different from yours ... it was to prove that god exists for I lived with god teaching me one on one what I needed to learn for my life ... and these articles are but a repository of all I learned. They may not all be your truths .. so if you begin with MasterMind ... you will find the god in your mind coming to your aid with all that is relevant to you for your life. This was truly the first message I received from god .. when I created MasterMind .. from out of my mind ... partly in a meditative trance ... and I have lived the full blown experience that is god ... both the positives and negatives playing their part ... when I was kind to the devil in his negativity .. I paid the price ... and god showed me how and why he dumps people who do not toe the line with his teachings ... a bitter lesson for you my readers ... but its just the bald truth. Behave .. or else .... the bogeyman will come and get you .. isn't that what is told to young innocent minds .. bending them through fear ... its now time to face that for your life too. Being a nice person and having to write about such truths to open the eyes of mankind is the price I paid for truth. But truth is easy for me to share .. so that it does not become the albatross around your neck in your journey through life.

This lesson was explained to me through some words on success I read in a book written by a pastor .. which I accepted as a first true epiphany moment for my mind. 

There have been so many since then appreciated through most of the major religions of the world impacting me since then ... my mind has simply blossomed from one of limited exposure to understanding the differences in our cultures and creeds ... and being able to accept our unity .. even in our diversity.  To experience the greatness or grandness of our own minds .. you must first have to step out of your comfort zone to experience ... of what value is life when there is none of this ?


I stopped to ponder and looked around me and all I could see was perfection ... just a desire being planted in my mind by God to grow to another level of mental elevation. So God's gift to me was MasterMind ... go sow your seeds of knowledge and reap a bountiful harvest was his tall order and I did my best to comply. My new interest ... yours and my mind .... growing a garden in them .. planting flowering seeds ... a heady smell of magnificent scents heavy in the air.

If you were to compare yourself to the homeless ... the dispossessed .. the ignorant and the impoverished  (who need my MasterMind the most ..... this is what the angels of my mind showed me were the most needy) YOU certainly can claim to be far better off  ............... or fine ..... but has that fine life taken away the pain and the suffering , the struggles you have faced that life has thrown at you again and again. Of course it hasn't .... you would either have to be liar or do a good cover-up job of your dismal life by calling it fine. FINE ... CALL IT FINE ... ITS PROGRESS .. AND SOMETHING YOU HAVE BEEN MADE TO BELIEVE FROM CHILDHOOD ... 

I define ... MEDIOCRITY AS ... FINE ... 

I just got back today from a holiday in Thailand where I stayed at the JW Marriott. For the Marriott chain ... JW is their prime offer .. their best.

We drove from the airport to the hotel in a huge Merc limo and the journey costs a bomb. The view from my 11th floor room was breathtaking .. overlooking the swimming pool which was on the 6th floor.

Now tell me that fine is sufficient for you !  All I did was go for a holiday ... something the world does .. we all stay in hotels and must use transport .. but what I shared above .. is it comparable .. to some the answer may be a no.  To me ... it simply brought an abiding feeling of perfect peace and calm.  To be able to scale my results through my powers of belief in their possibilities. 

As an indian I welcome you with a Namaste ... which means that I bow to the god within you.  If God had not been kind to me I would never have understood  ... for it took me to the age of 55 and then revealed itself. And I can honestly tell you that it was me searching for my greatness .. no longer happy at so many years having slipped by in mediocrity ... a helplessness that I was no longer ready to tolerate.

 and .....  as I learnt in Thailand on my holiday for I was lucky to have interacted with so many locals when I chose to see their world ... i.e. looked people in the eye when they wished me their local greeting of sawasadeeha with radiant smiles. Their smiles were so real and they so much wanted to please that it really warmed my heart enough to make me want to return their smiles.  If you have met up with grouchy people you will understand what I mean.  That's why the place is thronging with visitors.

No matter how fine our lives are ... as I realized through my own life of peace and plenty .. nothing compares to true enlightenment.

So how do I explain .. true enlightenment .. its a deep inner feeling of great connections of a higher purpose. My mind keeps showing me as tall as the world from the north pole to the south pole. I experience the revolutions of the world in my solar plexus.  They start so powerfully and end in such a smooth finish I simply cannot dismiss them as anything but me as a god ... teaching the world all I experience through God. Just understanding ourselves in depth. So I will always fight to share with you all I have learnt ..... that my mind played a big role in my learning ... playing out different roles in order to arrive at conclusions .... as a possibility for you in your world. Why do I use the world fight .... I conquered the thoughts that held me back and taught myself not to think of anything as either good or bad ... for only I made them good when I made it so. How may I step back when God has quietly slipped in his own capacities within me .. and the more of these that I have experienced ... I may never go anywhere else or turn my back to MasterMind ... God's most valuable gift to me ... opening so many petals for me .. like a never ending flower.


Funnily I am the same person I always was ... I just understood that I had a calling to be the best teacher on the Law of Attraction .. for me everything always ends in est .. then I just go do the work required to become my destiny .. I have been doing so for most of my life ... cooking .. I made a success of it .. reading ... reading books in the thousands ... worked smart at whatever I did through the analysis of it being a good thought .....  I just understood myself through the eyes of god.  
Its the destiny of the entire world  ... to understand the god in us .. through MasterMind.



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